Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Few Shots of Nature...

I have always been an avid lover of photography; I do it whenever I get the chance. I'm not saying I am a professional or I have amazing skills, I just do it for fun! Here are a few shots that I have taken in my front yard...yeah, 'cause I am just that cool ;)

Absolutely love this shade of yellow :)

I particularly love this one; I love the effect of the branches and leaves being in focus, and the pole in the background being our of focus. This creates a great visual focal point!

This one is similiar to the one above it; the tree is in focus, whereas the brick wall in the background is out of focus.

I love the combination of the light, dusty pink petals and the royal, rusty blue. Great colors!

Hope you enjoyed these photos....expect more in the near future!

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